
Sound Therapy: a gift of resonance

The base of sound therapy is the use of therapeutical instruments (gongs, bowls, tuning forks etc) and sound vibrations to induce deep states of relaxation, pain relief, accelerated recovery and mental tranquility among many other great benefits.

With this treatment you will receive both, a sonic audible experience and a vibrational massage as the singing bowls used produce a series of harmonic vibrations that penetrate deeply into all organs, systems, tissues, bones, ligaments of the body.
The physical sensations receiving this sound massage are pleasurable, causing a profound relief as the body relaxes in depth during the session. The emotional side also receives soothing sound nourishment calming and balancing the emotions and allowing the person to center herself in her true nature. Mentally we receives a profound balm calming the overactive mind and allowing it to rest in the safe and secure space created by these coherent sounds.

Increasing creativity





Digestive Balance

Insomnia Treatments



Increasing creativity





Digestive Balance

Insomnia Treatments




Are you going to a physical therapist or a chiropractor for a physical difficulty? You might find that your treatment includes a device that projects frequencies into your body to heal your muscles or tendons or even to align your vertebrae.
Sound is routinely used in different areas of medicine and counselling. It’s common practice for a doctor to harness it in the form of ultrasound in order to create images of a fetus for parents to view. Ultrasound is also available as a treatment for kidney stones as well as for the acceleration of healing of bone fracture. It’s currently being tested experimentally for use with cancer patients. There are scientists who have examined our genetic code, found it analogous to music, and are researching ways in which sound may be able to affect healing through our DNA. It’s also on frontier of modern neuroscience.
Sound is now commonly being used in traditional allopathic as well as complementary medicine to help ease pain and relieve stress.
Vibrational medicine is particularly beneficial as our bodies are constituted by more than 70% of water. The vibrations of these harmonic instruments entrain the body & mind into resonance bringing a renewed sense of well being and inner peace.

Sound therapy is used to treat symptoms and underlying unbalances of a number of conditions, including:

Improved hearing for those with industrial deafness or hearing loss due to aging 
Relief of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) 
New vitality and sense of well being 
Relief of tiredness and stress 
Deep relaxation and relief of anxiety and depression 
Heightened creativity and mental capacity 
Increased energy, focus and performance 
Deep, beneficial sleep and an end to insomnia 
Better balance and recovery from dizziness or vertigo 
Improved concentration and learning ability 
Improved behaviour and communication in children 
Increased voice quality and vocal range 
Better communication, relationships and greater family harmony
When addressing musculoskeletal issues your treatment might also include a massage, acupressure, gua sha, cupping, moxibustion and diet suggestions. Description of these modalities can be found below. 


Individual sound therapy tailored to your needs.
1st consultation         90 min | £70
Follow up                    60 min | £60
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